Sunday 26 April 2009

The Luminous Life of Lilly Aphrodite

Set in Berlin in 20/30's, this book is based on the life of Lilly. However, more than half of the book is about her childhood, which I enjoyed the most, but the rest of the story seemed rushed and less detailed. Only in the last part of the book did she become a film star and this, judging by the back cover, was supposed to be the main part of the book. Overall though I did enjoy this book and would recommend it, just abit dissapointed towards the end.

Thursday 23 April 2009

The White Tiger

Just started this one today, will post more when I finish it! Anyone read it? What did they think?
Only 3 days later, I've finished it. It was easy to read, not quite what I'd imagined though, expected it to be more deep and meaningful! However, I did really enjoy this book, the writer held my interest to the end and I really wanted to see where it was leading. It was written as a letter, addressed to The Premier of Beijing. He was due to be visiting and wanted to know of stories from local entrepeneurs. This was how The White Tiger saw himself and he thought The Premier should know all about him and the state of his country, although it is not as straight forward as it first seems! Thoroughly enjoyed it, would recommend it.

The Marriage Bureau for Rich People

The title reminds me of The Number 1 Ladies Detective Agency, and it does have similarites.

Set in South India, this book is based on a couple who after retiring open a marriage bureau. They come across an array of different characters with different wants and needs, which keeps them on their toes.

Not alot to this book but still a light easy and enjoyable read.

The Boleyn Inheritance

The follow up to The Other Boleyn Girl. It is 1539 and Henry is looking for another wife.
This book continues with the fall-out from the time with Anne Boleyn and how those involved were carrying on having to deal with the past in the risky present.

Just as good as the first, was worried it may not live up to my expectations, but it really did.

The Other Boleyn Girl

I wanted to read this book before I saw the film. Still haven't watched the film yet but loved the book. I'm not usually into this type of book but I do find Henry VIII strangely interesting.

This historical novel is well written and captivates your imagination. I could picture living in tudor times and see the attraction to attending court and being part of that way of life, enjoying the banquets and flamboyance of the many dances and balls!

Being part of Henry's Court seemed very dangerous and volatile and you could be dismissed or worse at a moments notice if you no longer served a purpose.

Thoroughly enjoyed this book and it has fed my interest in Henry and other Kings and Queens!

The Suspicions of Mr Whicher

Based on a real-life murder in 1860, this book was hard to get into. I perservered as it was a gift. The story surrounding the murder was interesting but as there was little build up to the murder I found it hard to relate to any of the characters or have any knowledge of them or sympathies for them. The book was interwoven with factual evidence and references to other books and authors writings that since followed this murder. It also went into details of the meaning of words and where they originate from. I have to admit I skimmed these parts. Generally it was a good book but could have done without all the extra bits, it would only have been half the size though!