Terry is still on form and writing great books! Not really into football, atall actually, but is was still a good, clever, funny read. I have to say it's not up at the top with my favourites but still worth a read!
Bought this awhile ago, wasn't really that bothered about reading it but needed the shelf space!
I liked the idea and the way it was written, but there were no surprises. Haven't seen the film but knew roughly what it was about and there were no twists and nothing particulary that made you want to keep reading.
Been meaning to read this for ages. Does it deserve the hype?
Read this in an afternoon, but that doesn't detract from the clever, well written story. Not a book I'd read again but glad I took the time to read it. Gives you an insight into the mind of children with Asbergers and was very thought provoking. Enjoyed the book and would recommend it!